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What is BioGeometry?


BioGeometry is a modern environmental science that was founded by Egyptian Architect and Scientist Dr. Ibrahim Karim (PhD, D.Sc. FIT, Zurich), over the course of a research journey that began forty five years ago. We celebrated the 45th anniversary on September 29th 2016 in Montreal (Canada) together with the founder Dr Ibrahim, his family, BioGeometry’s European directors as well as over one hundred BG students from all over the world.

BioGeometry is an energy-quality design language of shapes, colors, sounds, and motions aimed at resonating with and amplifying a natural energy-quality combination that introduces balance to the energetic functions of biological systems.

Dr. Karim’s breakthrough research identified an energy-quality combination common to all Earth-energy “power-spots,” which introduces energy-quality balance into all living energy systems.

BioGeometry uses the energy principles of shape and geometrical proportions to resonate with and amplify a specific natural harmonic pattern of energetic association, or “energy-quality.”

This key energy-quality is found in the center of the energy system of the Earth, the Universe, and all living beings.

From the dawn of humanity there have been those locations on Earth that we have held on to as special spiritual and healing locations.

What makes those locations so special? These locations are the energy centers of the Earth and by virtue of their natural design there exists a concentration of a natural energy-quality balancing combination that we now call the “BioGeometry Three” or simply “BG3.”

What is so remarkable is that the introduction of BG3 into any biological energy system begins a process of automatic energy-quality balance.

This “centering effect” introduces balance to the energy interaction process among the countless other harmonic patterns within any living energy system. BioGeometry uses shapes, based on the system of BG3 Harmonic Proportions, which resonate with and amplify this natural harmonizing BG3 energy-quality.

BioGeometry uses the energy principles of geometric proportions to introduce equilibrium into the fundamental energy harmonics of biological systems, within the overall framework of environmental energy interactions.

The BioGeometry “energy-quality centering” effect is a relationship between the BioGeometry energy-quality balanced environment and the biological systems within it. A main mission of the BioGeometry environmental research framework has been to research and highlight this effect among a variety of biological systems (humans, plants and animals) through independent scientific research.

The science of BioGeometry has become a benchmark in the harmonization of environmental electro-magnetic and geopathic stress. The landmark BioGeometry environmental harmonization projects of the Swiss villages of Hemberg and Hirschberg, commissioned by the Swiss government and in collaboration with telecom provider SwissCom, showed a remarkable positive effect on both the environment, as well as the wellbeing and the quality-of-life indicators among the residents.

These projects led to an official interpolation in the Swiss Parliament concerning the health implications of electro-magnetic fields (EMF), and were instrumental in the recognition of electro-sensitivity (now know as “electrical hyper-sensitivity or EHS) as an allergic reaction to increased EMF exposure.

Further BioGeometry research confirmed this correlation with improved wellbeing and quality-of-life indicators, including the reduction of traditional physiological stress markers.

It is important to note that BioGeometry is not a form of medical diagnosis or treatment, but rather it offers a new methodology of scientific solutions to a new set of environmental challenges threatening our quality-of-life and wellbeing.

For more information please visit the Biogeometry Europe website by clicking here

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Dr. Ibrahim Karim founder of BioGeometry

Copyright 2023 Rachel Fallon

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