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Martina Fallon
Complimentary Healthcare Professional
Call: 087 939 1237 Email:
BodyTalk Fundamentals
Reiki 1
Sourcepoint Therapy
In a complex world simplicity has great power. SourcePoint Therapy is a simple approach to healing for the 21st century.” -Bob Schrei
Module 1 introduces the theory of the Blueprint of health, teaches energy scanning techniques for locating blockages in the physical body that are obstructing the flow of information from the Blueprint, and instructs the student in the principles and use of the fundamental Source Points (the Diamond, Golden Rectangle and Navel Points). These points are located in the body's energy field and connect the body to the Blueprint.
Dates: April 8th, 9th & 10th 2017
Time: 9am-5:30pm
Location: Abbey Court Hotel & Spa, Nenagh, County Tipperary
Total Cost: €650
Sourcepoint Therapy Module One
Sourcepoint Therapy Module Three
"In a complex world simplicity has great power. SourcePoint Therapy is a simple approach to healing for the 21st century.” -Bob Schrei
Explores the advanced use of the navel point and scans for addressing blockages at the specific levels of trauma, karma and emotion. Also in-depth work with the Guardians of the body; drawing out and clearing foreign energies from the physical body. Review and integration of the information from previous modules, advanced practicum and work with integration of other modalities as needed. At the completion of this module, students receive a Certificate of Completion of basic SourcePoint training.
Dates: 15th, 16th, 17th, 19th, 20th, 21st July 2018
Time: 9am-5:30pm
Location: Abbey Court Hotel & Spa, Nenagh, County Tipperary

Bob Shrei
Bob Schrei is a Certified Advanced Rolfer with 29 years experience, a Biodynamic Cranial-Sacral Therapist, an artist and former Zen teacher, and the co-originator of SourcePoint Therapy with his wife and partner in healing work, Donna Thomson, MSW.

Donna Thomson
Donna Thomson is an intuitive, meditation teacher, and author of the book Simple Meditations to Use your Energy Effectively, Sentient Publications, 2006.
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